NASA Exploration Sciences Building

Greenbelt, MD

Project Description

This project provided NASA with a new Space Exploration Sciences Building on their Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC). The project allows for the efficient collocation of the Space Sciences Directorate along with the Laboratory for High Energy Astrophysics, Laboratory for Astronomy and Solar Physics, and the Laboratory for Extraterrestrial Physics into modern appropriately designed facilities. The building includes nearly 60 laboratories which are used to study a variety of scientific fields including microwave, infrared, optical, UV, x-ray, gamma-ray and cosmic ray astronomy and astrophysics.

With its state-of-the-art electronics, computer, and chemistry labs, clean rooms (class 1000, 10,000 and 100,000), high bay spaces, and modern offices, the new building is a major component of the GSFC Facilities Master Plan, and contributes to the goals of the Strategic Implementation Plan. This project has enabled NASA to strengthen and advance its worldwide leadership role in the space sciences for the coming decades. The facility provides safe, attractive, modular research space at NASA. It emphasizes utilities and materials distribution, laboratory flexibility over time, and the provision of discrete lab support to dedicated research lab space. The labs are functional, flexible, economical to maintain, attractive, and safe.


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