Colorado School of Mines Elm Street Residence / Dining Hall

Golden, CO

Project Description

Based on the completion of a micro-master plan for the West Student Life Quadrant of the main campus of the Colorado School of Mines (CSM), 700 beds of new freshmen and upper-class housing will be developed within the Maple/Elm student life district. The first phase will include a 207 Bed Residence Hall with community kitchen, laundry and a variety of study and community spaces on each floor.

CSM has also replaced their existing dining facility with the first new dining hall on the campus in 40 years. The 600-seat dining hall also accommodates 50 additional individuals in a private executive dining room planned for special events and faculty meetings. An outdoor terrace offers another venue for dining, allowing students to take full advantage of the beautiful view of the Maple Street Mall and the Front Range. The project has been certified LEED Gold.

Situated at the main pedestrian entry to campus, Phase I of the mixed-use, five-story residence hall and dining facility will complete a major, full-block campus quadrangle and re-establish the importance of framing and reinforcing the extension of an historic pedestrian mall through campus. Along this path at the main level, these buildings house the University’s Housing and Dining Offices, Residence Hall Commons, the new dining hall pavilion, and a cafe “Grab&Go” retail facility – all very visible to the growing population on campus.