Bickerstaff Heath Delgado Acosta Office Interior Renovation

Austin, TX

Project Description

When the law firm of Bickerstaff Heath Delgado Acosta LLP (BHDA) relocated its offices from a downtown high-rise to a new, low-rise suburban building located on one of Austin’s most beautiful greenbelts, they again turned to the Page team that had designed their existing offices 12 years earlier. Working closely with BHDA, the team designed a new 22,000-square-foot office with the primary design objective of maximizing views – from the expansive and stunning surrounding landscape to the intimate glimpses of art that showcase the firm’s important Texas-based artist collection. Axial planning throughout resulted in strong visual connections, naturally targeting site lines and allowing for an easy flow through the entire space. A close collaboration with BHDA’s Steering Committee resulted in a space that would express their unique personalities throughout the entire office, not just in primary public spaces.

It was important for BHDA to work in an environment that was professional yet still warm and regional in feel. Rich and inviting materials and colors were implemented throughout, all of which contributed to a space with a sense of informal sophistication. In addition, the use of multiple types of cast and textured glass allowed for transference of light while maintaining client privacy. Architectural elements such as a series of large pivoting glass door planes were designed between the reception lobby and main conference, allowing for a natural connection to prime views. Sustainable materials included palm wood walls, sorghum board counter tops, cork flooring and LED lighting.

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