Wu Li


Senior Associate


Wu has always been intrigued by the interaction between the physical environment and the people living in it. From the larger cityscape to all aspects of individual buildings, Wu believes that design impacts people’s lives and can improve them. After earning a Bachelor of Architecture in China, Wu decided to expand his knowledge about city planning and ended up in the hinterland of Virginia. He explains that America is translated as "Beautiful Nation" in Chinese and the translation seems appropriate to him. Upon completing a Master of Urban and Regional Planning at Virginia Tech and doing some very rewarding work Roanoke, Va., Wu and his wife moved to Washington D.C. in 2005, and Wu joined Page.

Since then Wu has been involved in more than 50 projects. From the renovation of our DC office to a designing a downtown office tower in Kuwait and from planning a college campus in rural Virginia to a creating an entirely new planned community in Vietnam, Wu has applied his architectural knowledge and planning skills to serve every stakeholder.

Along the way, he has developed a deeper understanding that people all over the world are more the same than different. “We all aspire to live in functional, comfortable and uplifting environments,” says Wu. “The way we design environments always has the potential to make us better human beings and help communities thrive.”

Aside from the serious business of design and planning, Wu enjoys relaxing with his family at parks, museums and sports venues.
