Randy Mohammed

Randy Mohammed

Associate / Senior Designer


Randy Mohammed grew up in Trinidad & Tobago, a twin island state well known for its annual Carnival, food, and culture. As a young adult, he simultaneously managed a family retail business and his own unrelated store on Trinidad. His outgoing personality helped Randy successfully hone his management and communication skills.

Still, Randy aspired to more and sold his business to support his advanced education. He earned a Bachelor of Architecture from The University of Texas at Arlington and says, “I feel very lucky to be in the United States. It was a dream just to visit this amazing country; now I live here and have a career that I love.”

Randy enjoys solving architectural challenges, which motivate him to work even harder. More than a decade of professional experience in Science and Technology projects have refined his understanding of technical design in all phases from programming to construction documents.

He attributes part of his success to his lack of shyness. “Asking questions enables me to effectively communicate with clients and my project team.” Randy’s appreciation for the arts, architecture, and engineering continue to drive his enjoyment of his career.
