Philip Perlin

Philip Perlin AICP

Associate Principal / Senior Planner


Philip Perlin is an urban and campus planner. He is fascinated by how cities and campuses are organized and function, and how they are shaped by different geographic, natural, political economic and cultural factors. Philip pursues this interest professionally through his urban and campus planning projects, and personally through extensive travel that has brought him to cities around the world. He admits to having three favorites, Barcelona, Sydney and San Francisco, which helps explain his decision to join Page when the firm opened an office in San Francisco.

At that time, Philip was already familiar with Page from his work on the master plan for The University of Texas (UT) at Austin, on which Page served as consultant. The project team began with an overall campus master plan, which established a framework for the development of all of UT's real property in Austin. The campus master plan was followed by more detailed plans for virtually every area of the campus, including a new medical district on which Philip also collaborated with Page.

Philip has worked on over fifty campus planning and programming studies and numerous urban projects in his two-plus decades planning career. It brings him great satisfaction to watch some of these projects come together such as the East Baltimore Neighborhood Plan, which focused on reinvestment in a distressed urban area adjacent to Johns Hopkins Medical Center in East Baltimore. A cornerstone of the plan was a new K-8 school, which was developed as a partnership between Henderson Community School and Johns Hopkins, and opened in 2013.

