Paul Jameson

Paul Jameson

Associate / IT System Administrator


Paul’s childhood experiences include playing in the streets of Glasgow, living on the Oneida Nation homeland; and moving to various South Coastal Naval bases. This foundation of cultural diversity made a career in the U.S. Navy an easy fit for Paul. It was also a good way for him to see more of the world and met more people—two of his favorite things to do. Paul spent his naval career as a reactor operator aboard aircraft carriers and repairing nuclear systems on submarines in Scotland. He credits the U.S. Navy for making him an individual who is “trained to be trainable.”

Upon leaving the Navy, Paul pursued a career in semiconductors at Bell South and then went on to chemical recycling at Sematech, AMD, Intel and Motorola. Paul’s first foray into web development came while he was at AMD. He realized that the CAD team needed an easier, faster and less wasteful way to look at drawings and transformed the paper-based system into a digital one. He developed a program that made all drawings viewable electronically for the entire team; the program transformed the way they worked and didn’t require purchasing an AutoDesk license.

At Page, Paul has continued his knack for problem solving as one of our IT gurus. He has been with the firm since 2003 and enjoys working with his co-workers whom he considers experts in their fields. He relishes bringing new technology to them and enhancing their work with less stress.

He also enjoys playing a weekly soccer game at lunch with his colleagues.
