Max P. Akulin

Max P. Akulin AIA

Associate / Project Architect


The formative years of Max’s career were spent on a path of self-discovery and refinement. Hours went into writing op-eds, participating in architectural competitions, doing DIY design projects, and reading about all-things-NOT architecture. It was in these early years that his latent passion for the bigger picture was expanding; he just didn’t know it at the time.

By the time Max moved to Rochester, NY to work at a K-12 focused design firm, he had finally given himself the freedom to use the voice he had been developing for years. Volunteering with the Emerging Rochester Architects (ERA) committee inspired Max to also join the AIA Rochester Board of Directors. In tandem with his stint on the board, he also volunteered as a Neighborhood Facilitator with the Community Design Center of Rochester, and as an in-class coach for the Rochester Dale Carnegie training center.

Max helped residents articulate what they needed and wanted in their communities by listening to them talk about their daily lives. He encouraged young men in a college-MOCHA Program to express themselves with authenticity and candor and accept each other with open hearts. He led the development of Rochester’s first architecturally focused Design/Build competition which will bridge the value-gap between designers and the community-at-large for years to come. Max now applies those skills to project team communications at Page.

What clients and team members see is that Max leads with empathy. He shares his kindness with those around him, and with gratitude and patience he helps generate trusting relationships. It was from catalytic Rochester experiences that Max developed a keen understanding of those key motivators and now strives to implement hard-earned lessons into each project of which he is a part.

He looks forward to meeting every new client and helping to make their next project a success!
