Maggie Graham

Maggie Graham

Associate / Designer


Maggie is a detailed oriented thinker, who is passionate about life-long learning and personal growth. Her interpersonal skills help her to understand people and their needs in order to create spaces that can positively shape their experiences. She has had many opportunities to travel the world, which have influenced her perspective and given her a greater appreciation for different cultures and design solutions.

Maggie lived in New York and studied in Italy, Switzerland and France. One of her most memorable experiences was staying with the monks at The Convent of La Tourette, Le Corbusier’s final building outside of Lyon, France. More recently, she was inspired by Luis Barragan's use of color and elements of surprise at his personal residence and studio in Mexico City.

She received a Bachelor of Architecture from The University of Texas at Austin School of Architecture and has since transitioned into a role in interior design. “I prefer interiors because of the more intimate scale of the designs I am working on,” she explains. “It is like Louis Khan said, ‘Even a brick wants to be something.’”

Maggie loves exploring the connection between inside and outside and how it can be manifested in both architecture and interior design.
