Luis Alberto López Chavero

Luis Alberto López Chavero RA

Associate / Design Architect


Early in life, Luis Alberto learned the influence culture can have on design. Born and raised in Mexico City (CDMX), he attended international schools where he developed formative friendships with people from Brazil, Egypt, Italy, Korea, Malaysia and the United States that opened his mind to different perspectives. That, combined with a fascination of how mankind evolved from living in caves to creating different kinds of elaborate residences around the world, led to his interest in architecture.

After amassing a portfolio covering a wide variety of commercial market sectors and project types, Luis Alberto joined Page in the firm’s CDMX office as a design architect. He was attracted by Page’s core values of creativity, commitment and collaboration. The first two characteristics had already helped him reach his goal of becoming a licensed architect; several years of experience on large, complex commercial projects taught him the value of collaboration on projects, particularly between architects and contractors.

He brings additional experience in visualization, production, coordination and client management gained from his work on Nuevo Aeropuerto Internacional de la Ciudad de Mexico, the busiest in Latin America, as well as retail projects on Via Vallejo in Mexico City and soccer stadiums, hotels, offices, industrial offices and master plans. Luis Alberto is passionate about identifying opportunities to elevate sustainability in projects, and becoming an expert in construction practices so he can better design for and collaborate with contractors.
