Lon Calvert

Lon Calvert

Senior Associate / Technical Designer


Lon Calvert brings a wide range of knowledge and experiences to bear on client projects based on his diverse experiences. He is a classically trained award-winning designer specializing in both interiors and industrial, is an expert in accessible design, serves as a member of the Texas State Guard and has lived in multiple parts of the United States. As a result, Lon approaches his work with creative ideas, disciplined focus and an open mindset.

He works primarily in environmental graphic design, experiential design and wayfinding for a variety of clients ranging from retailers to universities to medical facilities and top tier auto manufacturers. One project that stands out in Lon’s mind is The Mosaic District in Fairfax, Virginia, in which he was involved from the beginning. The initial design scope expanded from primarily wayfinding and graphics to an experiential design that won two ICSC (International Council of Shopping Centers) Gold Medals for its transformation of an underutilized area to a thriving town center.

