Kelli Falardo

Kelli Falardo CID, CHID

Senior Associate / Senior Interior Designer


Kelli Falardo always knew shaping the built environment through design would be part of her life. She has a knack for puzzles and is passionate about understanding how people interact within an interior space as well as how a space can impact a person’s experience within a building. These interests led her to earn a Bachelor’s degree in Interior Design from the University of Houston. Kelli loved the integrated interior design and architecture program, which taught her that both disciplines look at design holistically, each influencing the other.

Upon graduation, she started her career as a healthcare designer but subsequently worked on multifamily residential, hospitality, and corporate / workplace projects, providing her with a well-rounded portfolio. While attending a U2 concert in Denver on a whim, Kelli fell in love with the weather and culture and soon moved. The many healthcare and workplace projects Kelli has since worked on throughout Denver and the Rocky Mountain region have ignited a passion for rural and behavioral health facilities.

Kelli knew about Page from her time in Houston and jumped at an opportunity to join the firm's Denver office. There, she is contributing to advancement of the Interiors practice group, as well as strengthening Denver’s Healthcare market sector. She thrives on establishing relationships with project team members and appreciates improving communities through design.

