Julie Rusk

Julie Rusk Associate AIA



Page Director of Operations – Houston Julie Rusk knows how to run an office. After all, she already manages a full household containing one husband, one child, six dogs, two cats and for a while, one international exchange student. The responsibilities she takes on don’t faze her, though; raised in a family with a core belief of always giving 110%, she considers commitment a value ingrained in her since childhood. Her strongly-held principles also are the foundation of her work in the field of architecture, and they’ve fostered much success there.

A holder of a Bachelor of Architecture degree from the University of Houston as well as two years of interior design studies at Baylor University, Julie’s planning and programming background serves communities throughout South and East Texas, and her involvement in education projects throughout Houston has provided students with innovative and effective learning environments. Julie is as committed to people as she is to her work. In fact, she most enjoys the projects that have a significant impact on the individuals who use the spaces that Page helps to create.

She considers it essential to her work to ensure clients know they come first no matter what. Relationships inside the office receive the same attention from Julie, who believes total team collaboration on all levels will provide the key to a successful project. She knows that each individual has ideas that could make a project stronger and more successful, and that standard proves itself through creative and effective design solutions.

