Jelani Rainey

Jelani Rainey

Associate / Graduate Electrical Engineer


Jelani strives to make his work environment the best it can be for himself and his colleagues everyday. “I am a better engineer because I take pride in maintaining many of the soft qualities in all environments while working. And by that I mean that I pay attention to team communication, situational awareness, empathy and perception of attitudes and reactions of all parties,” explains Jelani. “Paying attention to these details allows me to create stronger and more confident relationships with my colleagues, while also encouraging easy communication on our teams.”

Jelani notes that he is very goal driven and strives to always produce good work, while also making the necessary adjustments to prioritize his various responsibilities. “I fear of complacency,” he jokes. “I am always trying to find new ways to learn and expand my knowledge in my filed, so that I can continually be able to provide a better version of myself for those around me. I feel that there too much information out there to ever feel satisfied with what you know at any point.”
