David McCullough

David McCullough AIA, PE

Principal / Senior Lab Planner


David McCullough had one very impressive chemistry teacher in high school that believed everyone should be an engineer, so, says David, “that is what I did. But I knew then that I really wanted to be an architect.” In the end, he did both.

“Almost the same day I passed my professional engineering exam I started architecture school. It was a dream I had deferred. I had been working in the San Francisco Bay area on a transportation planning project. I loved the people I was working with and the work we were doing, but the atmosphere in Berkeley made going back to school seem like an obvious choice.”

David ended up at MIT, a place where the culture of science and technology permeated everything. After completing his architecture degree, he worked on several award-winning academic buildings at Carnegie Mellon University and master plans at the University of Virginia. David says, “We were concerned about shaping public spaces and making a campus. The small office I was working in was successful, and it seemed everything we touched was getting published. We were having fun.”

But during his first science building project, he discovered a completely new discipline. “It had never occurred to me that there could be a whole career consisting only of science spaces.” That led him to join SST Planners, a laboratory design and planning firm in their first year of existence and never looked back. After that it was all about science for David.

