Brooke Taubenkraut

Brooke Taubenkraut

Associate / Programmer


Brooke received her Bachelor of Science in Industrial Engineering, specializing in service systems, from Penn State. There, she gained experience building simulation models for a variety of manufacturing and service operations, including amusement park, stadium, restaurant, shipping facility, and automated manufacturing cell operations.

During and after college, she also gained professional experience at Fortune 500 consumer product manufacturing companies across the U.S. before joining Page as a Facility Programmer / Simulation Specialist in the Consulting Group. This complements her experience in predictive analytic capabilities.

Since joining Page, Brooke also has gained experience planning hospital, control room, laboratory, vivarium, and office spaces as well as simulation policy development for the U.S. Military Health System. In addition, she specializes in BOMA Area Analyses and web development capabilities for online project data collection.