Aimee Burmaster Hicks

Aimee Burmaster Hicks RID, IIDA, CHID



Aimee Burmaster Hicks specializes in space planning and interior design development for corporate and healthcare clients. Her leadership role with Page builds on her commitment and collaborative approach to her work.

“I like the idea of freedom within commitment. Being truly committed my work allows me to take design risks, and the projects I work on are better for it,” Aimee says, adding, “Collaboration is key. Everyone has something to contribute to the project process.”

Aimee realized at an early age that she had the talent and ambition to work as a creative professional. “Being an interior designer is all I’ve ever wanted to do,” Aimee explains. With that goal set, she prepared for her career by graduating from Texas Christian University with a Bachelor of Science in Interior Design, a program accredited by the Foundation for Interior Design Education Research (FIDER). Her dedication to learning earned her membership in the Phi Upsilon Omicron National Honor Society.

Adventurous as well as talented, Aimee decided at the age of 28 to move to London at her company's invitation and further her experience in her chosen field. There, she learned how to subtly navigate the nuances in language and culture. “The experience taught me a lot about building a business and dealing with people from other cultures in a business setting,” she says.
