Women of Page: Hear What They Have To Say

On October 9, AIA Houston premiered an exhibit called "Women in Architecture" that spotlights the contributions women have made to the profession and provides a current snapshot of the changing role of women in architecture and design. Original research highlighting women who have practiced architecture in the City of Houston, including the youngest generation of leaders, is displayed parallel to national and international forerunners.

Page sponsored the exhibit and our own Wendy Heger co-chaired the collective effort among women architects in the greater Houston area to provide content for it. This exhibit comes the year after the National Endowment for the Arts analyzed employment data in the architectural industry over four years and published the results.

They found that nationally, one out of every four architects is female. At Page, a multidisciplinary architecture and engineering firm that also offers interiors and consulting, women are part of the success of every aspect of our firm. One of every three Page employees is female; women engineers, women accountants, women architects, women commissioning specialists - the list goes on. And, a number of owners at Page are women.

To see what the women of Page have to say about their roles in the firm and in the industry, click through the image gallery above. The graphic tiles from women in the Houston office were displayed at the AIA Houston exhibit; the remainder represent women in other Page offices. You may be surprised by some of the perspectives. Enjoy!

To learn more about the AIA Houston "Women in Architecture" exhibit, click here.
