Where Are the Women? Measuring Progress on Gender in Architecture.

Just in time for the AIA Houston's Women in Architecture exhibit: The Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture (ACSA) has shared some intriguing statistics regarding the progress women have made in architecture. For example, although women comprise 51% of the population in the US, 43% of accredited architecture degrees were awarded to women during 2012-2013; 30% of Associate Members of the American Institute of Architects (AIA) are women; and of AIA members who are principals or partners of firms, 17% are women. One in four architects and designers in the US, and one in five deans at US architectural schools are women.

The report delves into the "pipeline" through the profession and asks some provocative questions about gender gaps at various career points.

Read the entire report on the ACSA website: "Where Are the Women? Measuring Progress on Gender in Architecture."
