What's In An Address?
What’s in an address? It can actually alter a potential tenant’s perception of quality, whether in a building itself or in its immediate environment. One of Page's areas of specialty is repositioning existing assets to improve their value. Realty News Report has picked up on the changes to more prestigious addresses on two Page projects in downtown Houston.
The firm worked with its clients to relocate the main entries to more prominent locations of their buildings, which resulted in more prestigious addresses on the adjacent streets. In both cases, the new addresses also became the buildings' new names – and brands.
Realty News Report interviewed the individual responsible for marketing and leasing 811 Louisiana. In a published Q&A, they specifically asked, “With the redevelopment, the decision was made to change the address of the tower from Walker to Louisiana Street. Can you tell us a bit about the decision to change the address?”
The response was, “The Louisiana corridor is one of downtown’s premier addresses and we believe that 811 Louisiana should be part of that tradition. There are a number of amazing buildings and companies that hold a Louisiana address and we are confident that the building will build upon that history.”
To view the article about 811 Louisiana, which has been completed, click here.
To view the news story about 1801 Smith, which is currently being renovated, click here.
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