What In the World Are You Wearing?

Product Runway is an annual fundraiser event hosted by chapters of IIDA (International Interior Design Association) that challenges teams from participating interior design and architecture firms as well as design students to design and construct couture garments, utilizing interior design materials provided to them by their paired garment labels (industry partners). For the event in Houston, Page fielded a team again this year and it’s hard to say who enjoyed it more, the team or their cheering colleagues.

Page employees helped raise almost $1,000 to support the Houston Furniture Bank, which included a matching donation from the firm. Then, staff turned out to attend the runway show where designs were revealed. This year’s Product Runway theme was Garden of Secrets, and teams were assigned a specific species of foliage to inspire their garments. The twist? The garments had to reveal a hidden secret! Page was given the Toad Lily for inspiration and the result was a sunhat that became a dress. Click through the above gallery to see the images.

We’d like to thank our paired industry partners for their participation as well. Watson/ JMC Associates provided the hard materials and Milliken Carpet gave of the soft materials. Congratulations to each of the Page 2014 Product Runway team members:

Luisina Basilico

Yvette Herrera Duran (Model)

Alyssa Sheen

Courtney Thomas

Gibran Villalobos

Taylor McCammon Whaley
