Two Page California Projects Honored

At the recent American Planning Association (APA) California Chapter awards gala, two projects important to Page were honored. The firm's work on the Downtown South San Francisco Station Area Specific Plan and Environmental Impact Report garnered a Northern California Section Comprehensive Plan Small Jurisdiction Award of Merit. Additionally, the APA named the Downtown Truckee District one of only three “Great Places in California.”

The South San Francisco downtown area leaders wanted to elevate the future of the area, and improve connectivity with the nearby Caltrain station. BMS Design Group, now part of Page, developed a plan for South San Francisco to make it a unique place by encouraging long-term development that is transit-supportive with accessibility for all community members. Residents, business / property owners and employees all provided input, resulting in a dynamic and collaborative effort.

To qualify as a Great Place in California, a site must “exemplify character, quality, and excellent planning … and it must be a place where people want to be.” The award cites recent streetscape improvements, which were designed by then-BMS Design Group, now part of Page, as a determining factor in the recognition. This demonstrates the impact that design and thoughtful streetscapes can have on a city's ability to attract visitors and residents. 

Congratulations to the project team members!
