The Front Porch: Not Just For Grandma Anymore

Page architects are busy creating and designing projects that make lives better, but what about the construction of their own homes? Channel 39 Newsfix recently featured the home of Senior Principal Art Chavez for its large, beautiful porch, an area where his kids also exercise and his family gathers for parties.

Although there was an existing porch when Art first bought his home in the Historic Eastwood neighborhood, he upgraded it to a wraparound porch to accommodate his family’s lifestyle. You might’ve seen images of it in Houstonia Magazine’s recent article, The Porch Enjoys a Revival.

The porch trend seems to be making a comeback, and according to the Census Bureau, new single-family homes including a porch increased by 21%. “Maybe Houston’s beginning to sort of enjoy the outdoors again,” Art commented.

All the positive press on his home resulted in a nice feature of the Page website and several of our projects located in Houston. Channel 39 said of Page, “They design some of the most beautiful spots – Discovery Green, that cool FBI office building on 290, and the future Buffalo Bayou Park.”

You can view the full video on Channel 39 Newsfix website.

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Channel 39 Newsfix
