Texas Standard Interviews Page Principal Wendy Dunnam Tita

Texas Standard Radio's David Brown interviews Page Principal Wendy Dunnam Tita about the "missing percent" of women practicing architecture. Brown starts the conversation by citing a 2011 survey noting more than 50 percent of students graduating from schools of architecture are women, yet today only 18 percent of the practicing professionals are women.

Inspired by Shape the Conversation, which features three exhibitions highlighting the work of women architects throughout the years, across the nation and in Travis County: 1850 to the Future (on view at 249 W. 2nd Street, originally shown and created by AIA Houston); Shaping Austin (on view at 249 W. 2nd Street) and National Outlook, Local Stories (on view at Goldsmith Hall, UT School of Architecture).

Click here for the Texas Standard Radio interview with Wendy Dunnam Tita (note interview starts at the 25:25 mark).
