Teaching Denver High School Students

The ACE Mentor Program is an important community organization that helps the next generation of architects, engineers and builders learn more about a wide variety of career opportunities available to them. Page is an active sponsor of the ACE Mentor Program of Colorado, where Pager Michael Reilly has volunteered as a mentor in Denver for the past four years.

Throughout 2018, Michael was the lead mentor at UC Denver (a catch-all site for students from any high school that doesn’t host the program itself). “As a lead mentor, I organized the efforts of six other mentors (contractors, engineers and architects) during the 16-week session while helping several local high school students learn about potential career opportunities,” explains Michael. “It was a great experience and I really enjoyed interacting with the students and teaching them about architecture.” Michael notes that he is excited about the upcoming 2019 ACE Mentor curriculum and looks forward to continue supporting such an influential program.
