Physical Environment and Brain Health

The designers responsible for the brain-shaped Brain Performance Institute were logical choices to speak at the recent Academy of Neuroscience for Architecture (ANFA) Conference. In addition to sharing their expertise, they found inspiration in the related talks about research and work being done by other architects as well as academicians. Ultimately though, their time at the conference reinforced their key premise that architecture can be perceived through more than just visual surfaces so other conscious perceptions can help us design spaces that better improve the user experience.

Page Principal Robert Doane and Associate Principal Ricardo Muñoz focused on themes such as utilizing natural daylight to improve occupant experience and comfort as well as the importance of employing design thinking in creating project specific solutions for unique project types. The Brain Performance Institute was a significant case study as they were able to share the rationales for decisions made. 

They referenced two books that explore the unconscious mind and how it shapes the way the built environment is perceived, Subliminal: How Your Unconscious Mind Rules Your Behavior by Leonard Mlodinow, and Incognito: The Secret Lives of the Brain by David Eagleman. Some of the case studies in these texts helped the team explain how architecture at times operates on the unconscious level and forms our perceptions of space, experience and memory among many others. 

Ricardo commented that he appreciated hearing other ANFA talks, which revolved around "the confluence of architecture and neuroscience which demonstrate the benefits of looking outside of your own field to explore complex problems regarding the built environment." 

To learn more about the The University of Texas at Dallas Brain Performance Institute, click here

To learn more about Page's Academic Medical Facilities portfolio, click here
