Pagers on the Front Lines of COVID-19 Effort

Approximately 1,000 3-D printers in the Houston area are being used to ramp up efforts against COVID-19. Two Pagers have been utilizing the firm’s makerspace capabilities as part of the effort to create thousands of face shields daily for medical personnel and first responders in the greater Houston area, using supplies that Page donated to the cause.

Page Shop Manager/ Fabrication Consultant Cody King learned of the effort through fellow Pagers who thought of our capabilities when hearing TXRX, a local makerspace lab, was seeking volunteers to help create personal protection equipment (PPE). Cody and fabrication consultant intern Rosa Gomez have also been spreading the word among the maker community to raise awareness that sewing skills also are needed and a GoFundMe account has been set up. Rosa is leading the communications between Page and TXRX.

TXRX had set up a contactless system to safely and efficiently collect produced pieces, then sanitize them. When the City of Houston announced a stay-at-home order, Cody simply took the printers home to continue the efforts from there. Page is proud of people like Cody and Rosa for their initiative and support of community needs. 
