Pagers Prove They CAN Make A Difference

How on earth can minions help feed neighbors in need? The designers at Page, a multidisciplinary firm, collected more than 3,800 cans of food to create an impressive scene from a popular children’s movie and called their tableau “Dropping Some Despicable BEETS!” based on the characters of minions. This was part of an annual design competition in Washington DC, one of many similar CANstruction challenges held around the world, to raise awareness of local food banks’ needs. The Page team compiled some impressive statistics in the process:

  • 3,816 cans of food collected for the design and subsequently donated to Capital Area Food Bank
  • 23 firms competed for the honor of collecting cans and raising funds for the food bank
  • 21 Pagers volunteered to design and build the firm’s entry
  • 5 ½ hours were needed to complete the construction of “Dropping Some Despicable BEETS!”

The Page team's design statement was, "The minions are performing at a charity concert to end hunger, sponsored by Dr. Dre. The installation depicts two minions, dropping beats, backed by a giant set of headphones. The team tried to incorporate food in the most creative ways. An arch of Pringles cans makes the phones' headband; pie crusts simulate the speakers and chopsticks are the record needles. Have fun dancing with the minions!"

Congratulations to all the participating firms for their clever designs and thanks for their efforts to benefit the community!
