Pagers Present TFC Texas Capitol Complex Master Plan

Pagers Ginny Chilton and Ryan Losch will co-present the Texas Facilities Commission (TFC) Texas Capitol Complex Master Plan and Phase I of the project to the Austin chapter of CREW Network. Presenting the project along with Page is Peter Maass, TFC Deputy Executive Director of Planning and Real Estate Management.

The master plan provides for the creation of state office space and establishes the Capitol Complex as a destination that celebrates the Texas State Capitol with civic spaces, shaded pedestrian friendly streets and connections to the surrounding community. Phase I will realize a section of the pedestrian promenade as well as two office buildings.

The 40-block area encompassing the State Capitol Complex in Austin is the most prominent element of the state’s real estate portfolio. It is home to 10,000 state employees as well as several historic buildings and is visited by over a million people per year.
