Pagers Honor Memorial Day By Carrying The Load

A number of Page employees are military veterans and volunteer rescue personnel. Even more employees have relatives or friends who also are law enforcement and firefighters. This past Memorial Day weekend, Pagers across the firm and their families came together to support Carry The Load, a national organization dedicated to remembering, honoring and celebrating our nation's heroes. Hilary Bales, a principal in the Page Dallas office, served as a team captain, organizing employee participation in the Dallas Memorial Walk, volunteering at the event and leading fundraising efforts in the firm’s name.

She and Page learned about Carry The Load through one of the firm’s clients, The Center for BrainHealth’s Brain Performance Institute at The University of Texas at Dallas, which was a 2016 non-profit partner for the Memorial Day weekend event. Clint Bruce, co-founder of Carry The Load and former U.S. Navy SEAL, is a Legacy Award recipient from The Center. To watch a video of him speaking about the march in Dallas, scroll down:

The firm created custom-designed T-shirts to raise awareness of its involvement in the event. The t-shirts list the names of all Page employees being honored. Numerous clients, vendors and project partners stepped up to support the firm’s fundraising goal, helping Team Page raise $17,367! The firm would like to thank each and every one of the 146 people and entities that donated to help support this cause in Page’s name, including the three employees who helped raise in excess of $2,000 each: Hilary, Dee Maxey and Jonah Sendelbach. Other employees also raised awareness of the firm’s efforts through multiple digital media posts.

Even more employees participated in the national relay walk, connecting efforts that began on both coasts. The Dallas relay leg began at Reverchon Park at 4:00pm Sunday and continued through 12:16pm, followed by the incredibly moving closing ceremony. The 39 members of our Page relay team walked anywhere from 7 to 14 miles in both sunny and very rainy conditions for a total of 190 miles. Many also volunteered up to an additional 12 hours for the event itself. 

We’re inspired that so many took time from their holiday weekend to share in this national campaign to “put the meaning back into Memorial Day.” According to Team Captain Bales, planning is already underway for participation in the Memorial Day 2017 event, this time with Pagers participating in relay walks in every time zone and raising even more money. 
