Page’s Hearts & Hammers 2015 Project

Employees from our Dallas office organized a Hearts & Hammers team to provide repairs to a deserving homeowner, Ms. Sanders. Our Pagers gave some much needed TLC to the exterior of her house.

We replaced several rotted siding boards, scraped chipped and flaking paint and applied sealant around any opening and trim to prepare the exterior for a fresh coat of paint. Additionally, we installed new plywood and shingles to fix the roof near the front entryway. The front screen door was also replaced and new hardware installed.

This was the fifth consecutive year that Page has participated in the Hearts & Hammers event, and we're looking forward to doing this again next year! The mission of Hearts and Hammers is to refurbish qualified homes owned by low income citizens within the Dallas Metroplex.

Thanks to all the Pagers who participated in the event. Jonah Sendelbach and Wenguel Yohannes were co-chairs of the team, which included Lisa Bradley, Will Butler, Lan Chen, Sarah Cumming, Britt Feik, Lauren Gault, Megan Girvan, Katherine Hobbie, Jason King, Eric Kuehmeier, Daniel Mann, Crystal McMahon, Leticia Montemayor, David Morgareidge, Ricardo Munoz, Katerina Paletykina, Dale Robinson, Kim Schuessler, Carlos Sierra, Mechelle Strange, Josh Theodore and Jordan Thurston.

Please scroll through our above gallery images to see the complete transformation of the home and homes from the past years.

Contributed By

Jonah Sendelbach
