Page Receives Dual IIDA Design Awards

While we're always proud of our work, having experts validate our projects also is very special to our clients. Last week, several Page designers attended the IIDA Texas-Oklahoma Chapter 2017 Annual Gala to accept design awards for two Page projects.

When Ottobock decided to relocate its North American headquarters from Minneapolis to Austin to capitalize on the latter’s reputation as a technology and innovation hub, they commissioned Page to design their new space within a raw, 37,000- square-foot existing commercial building. Their core mission to help people move with greater ease helped define design goals for the new space as well. Page exposed the concrete joists and columns, then added curving walls and sleek planes. 

National co-working provider TechSpace distinguishes itself by embracing communities and providing flexible and practical full-service, state-of-the-art facilities. The Page team identified three elements that would link the Austin location's design to its new locale: the city’s love for the outdoors, its longstanding reputation as a tech and innovation hub and its growing art scene. The project also will be on tour during the upcoming Texas Society of Architects annual conference.

Page Principal / Interior Architecture Director Wendy Dunnam Tita, Associate Principal / Interior Design Director Jen Bussinger and Designers Natalie Cook and Jessie Twaddle accepted the awards on behalf of their teammates for Ottobock and TechSpace, respectively, and multiple Pagers were on hand to to help them celebrate. Congratulations to the project teams!
