Page Is the Most Successful Three Month Old We Know!

Now wait a minute, you may ask. How can a new name and a new look gain new clients and win coveted projects at an accelerated rate? Simple – Page is the face of a multi-office firm backed by more than 115 years of proven experience that made a commitment to function as one across all our offices. Our new brand is a formal expression of a work style that already existed in many of our market sectors and practices. And, that work style is an example of our core values in action: collaboration, commitment and creativity.

Today, Page has a number of projects being jointly designed by staff from different offices ranging from healthcare facilities to university buildings and mission critical facilities. We currently have international projects with Page staff on site and others supporting their colleagues from their home offices. As a client recently commented, “We really liked what you said about the fact you can tap talent and experience across Page that are best fits for your projects, but you don’t have to spend the extra time to get them aligned as you would if you partnered with another firm.”

We did say ‘simple’ but there truly was a lot of work behind the scenes to accomplish this. By drawing on the proven success of our already-integrated practices like healthcare, each Page market sector and service now has dedicated sponsors and thought leaders who are responsible for its success firmwide. Each holds regular meetings with team members across all the offices to share portfolio updates, experiences and best practices.

The effects have been observed throughout the organization. Adam LaRue, Electrical Engineer, commented, “I’ve really enjoyed doing more work between offices. It’s allowed me to get to know my co-workers in other parts of the country, as well as participate on a really exciting project that would not have been possible without this new sharing of resources.”

Thanks to the gargantuan efforts of the Marketing studio, all materials coming out of each office are immediately recognizable as a Page-branded piece, and are usable in each office. The Marketing staff worked to adapt existing materials to the new Page templates prior to the brand launch on December 16 and continued updating hundreds of pieces afterward.

Working across offices also provides invaluable benefits to younger staff. It broadens the opportunity to learn from experienced leaders in the other offices as well as colleagues with a diverse variety of cultures, experiences and perspectives. Additionally, our ‘one firm’ approach increases the range of projects to be supported, exponentially expanding resume experience. Most importantly, it offers the opportunity to visit new places – as principal Kurt Neubek says, “Have knowledge, will travel.”

The Page brand also reaffirms to our clients that we’re committed to visionary design, that we have a record of innovation and fresh ideas, and a demonstrated success with complex projects. We continue to work very hard to make that visible by continuing to grow our website content with examples of completed work as well as projects on the boards.

Three months ago, we said we were going to take advantage of this opportunity to grow and we’ve already proven ourselves successful. We fully expect to maintain our momentum – the continued expansion of the number of roles for which we’re formally hiring is a good indicator of this objective.
