Page Experts to Speak at TxA Convention

Six Page experts (see second gallery image) will share their time and knowledge at the 2014 Texas Society of Architects 75th Annual Convention in Houston Thursday through Saturday, November 6 - 8. The deadline to register is Friday, October 31. Consider signing up for these Page presentations and getting AIA learning unit credits when you do so:

Thursday, November 6

Page Associate Principal Wendy Heger will lead a panel discussion on The Future of Public Library Buildings 
1:00 pm - 2:30 pm. 1.50 HSW, 1.50 LUH               

Page Principal Kurt Neubek will present on Beyond Programming: Requirements Management in a Digital Age 
1:00 pm - 2:30 pm. 1.50 HSW, 1.50 LUH          

Page Principal Talmadge Smith will present on Case Studies in Creative Daylighting Strategies 
3:00 pm - 4:00 pm. 1.00 HSW, 1.00 LUH                

Friday, November 7

Page Senior Principal Lawrence W. Speck will participate in a panel discussion on the future of architectural licensure in Imagining Licensure 
2:30 pm - 3:30 pm. 1.00 HSW, 1.00 LUH            

Page Designer Ricardo Munoz will participate in a panel discussion on Young Professionals: From Schoolwork to Builtwork 
4:00 pm - 5:00 pm. 1.00 HSW, 1.00 LUH

Saturday, November 8

Page Senior Principal Lawrence W. Speck will present on Ten Cardinal Rules for Talking to Non-Architects about Architecture 
8:00 am - 9:00 am. 1.00 HSW, 1.00 LUH                

Page Principal Wendy Dunnam Tita will lead a panel discussion on Reclaimed: How One Building Built Another 
1:00 pm - 2:30 pm. 1.50 HSW, 1.50 LUH               
