Page-Designed Data Center Earns Kudos During UT Blackout

The University of Texas at Austin lost power on Tuesday, but the two-hour power outage on campus posed no threat to the Page-designed, highly reliable UT data center which stayed up and running!

Michael Cunningham, Director of University Data Centers, congratulated the Page and DPR Construction teams on the (expected) performance of the data center.

“Tuesday, at approximately 8:15 am, the Campus went completely dark for approximately two hours. It is not clear what “exactly” happened. But, I wanted to let you know that it is the first time we have lost both electrical feeds to the Primary Data Center – everything worked flawlessly! Switched to UPS – then on to generator. Both generators ran for almost three hours. This, along with our Primary Network Center, was also on generator for the duration. IT services remained online throughout the outage and gracefully switched back to primary power when stable! It was a testament to great design, construction, and of course… diligently maintaining those systems over the past five years."

More information on the outage may be read here.

Contributed By

Andy Baxter
