Our Brand Promise

It’s the same as our vision - to become influential champions for design that makes lives better. We think they are better for their simplicity. And more powerful.

At Page, we aspire to make an impact that extends beyond the work itself. To influence how design merit is perceived and defined. And, ultimately, to help shift the global focus of design toward making a difference for the better in the way people live.

As we explain in our book, Call Us Page, that is distributed to every employee when they join the firm, our brand is our promise, not only to our clients but to ourselves. We believe buildings are more important for what they do – for the positive impact they make on people’s lives – than for what they are. That’s why we have a solution-driven project focus that results in life-enhancing buildings and places.

Only by honoring our values – creativity, collaboration and commitment – can we deliver on that promise. 
