My Summer At Page

This summer I had the privilege of interning with the government studio in the Austin office and I enjoyed every minute there. I worked on many projects and had many different assignments, but my favorite project to work on was a planning study. I got to sit in on meetings, create graphics, revise and edit narratives and so much more. I especially liked seeing the collaboration of the project team and how they communicated so effectively. It showed me that no matter what the size of the project or project team, you can be efficient and proactive when completing any task.

Interning with Page gave me a great perspective on working for a large firm and showed me that working as a team really matters in order to have a successful project. I always felt like a big office with a bunch of people would be unfamiliar, there would be too many people to meet, and you would just show up to get work done. However, working for Page changed that for me.  I never imagined that so many people in one office can get along in the way people do here. There is such a good spirit of comradery that creates a sense of family and motivation across the entire office. 

The one thing I enjoyed most about coming to the office was the genuine warmth and kindness that everyone carried. No matter if I were passing someone in the hallway or meeting someone in the lunch room for the first time, they smiled, asked how my experience was going, offered advice, and were always there to help. I especially liked how anyone who gave me an assignment always approached me with an attitude of “I’m going to teach you,” instead of just telling me what to do. I could tell that they wanted to invest in my future and put me on a path towards success.

This internship experience not only taught me new skills, but expanded on the things I was already familiar with. Throughout this summer I was able to use programs such as Revit, InDesign, and Illustrator in ways that far surpassed what I had done in school. Page is well equipped with not only the proper software and programs, but with people who know how to use it in an advantageous way. After all that I have learned, I can confidently take my newly developed skills and incorporate them back into the classroom.

Page has done more than just teach me what it’s like to design spaces. They taught me how to conduct myself in a professional setting, how to organize different parts of a project, and how to communicate with co-workers, clients, and all types of people. They have set the bar high for any future job I may have, and I will always be grateful for the time I spent here.

Last summer, Lilly Hagen joined our Civic / Government market sector team in Austin a few hours away from Texas A&M, where she is pursuing an undergraduate degree. She is currently studying abroad and sent a few thoughts about her time at Page.
