Multiplying The Power of One

Several years ago, Pagers joined longtime healthcare client Texas Children's Hospital in the annual March of Dimes March for Babies in support of healthy babies and families. Each year, more Pagers joined their colleagues and two years ago the firm began fielding its own team. This year's team had 15 walkers and additional supporters who helped raise nearly $2,500 for the cause. The Page team walked alongside 30,000 other Houstonians.

Texas Children's Hospital is a not-for-profit organization whose own mission of creating a healthier future for children and women aligns with the March of Dimes. They're proud to be consistently ranked among the top children’s hospitals in the nation and Page is proud to have supported them through multiple projects.

Some of the Pagers who walked this year also had personal reasons for supporting the cause. Dawn House shared a photo of a beaming little boy wearing a backpack on his way to school and said, "This is my nephew Diego. He was born at 4 lbs, 5 oz and he's the reason I donate to and walk for March of Dines March of Babies." Others had similar success stories to tell, including Andy Brochtrup and Veronica Carrizales.  

The state of Texas has a 10.4% preterm birth rate and the March of Dimes goal is to reduce that to 8.1% by 2020. Thanks go to Pagers Andy Brochtrup, Veronica Carrizales, Dawn House, Maria Lozada, Margarita de Monterrosa, Sarah Moore, Kurt Neubek, BJ Patel, Rhona Vogt, Duygu Yenerim, their participating family members and colleagues who supported their efforts to walk.
