Meet Sarah Cumming

Sarah Cumming, one of Page’s newest designers.

After growing up in Louisiana, earning her Master of Architecture from Tulane University, and spending two summers interning in New Orleans, Sarah was ready to venture into a new city. Though a sense of adventure may have sparked Sarah’s move to Dallas, it was Page’s portfolio—which perfectly matched her interests in health-based and LEED-related projects—that ultimately won her over.

Her interest in healthcare design and planning is rooted in her passion for relating design decisions to overall health and well-being. Sarah gained experience working on NICU and Women’s Health Center projects, and her thesis was an urban plan to revitalize a New Orleans neighborhood and promote pedestrian activity, walkability, and overall wellness. Sarah’s passion for learning and solving challenging, real-life problems is very complementary to Page’s architecture group. Welcome, Sarah!

Contributed By

Emily Kaple
