Meet Fien Dobbelaere

Fien Dobbelaere is an urban designer at Page who has traveled the world and is currently residing in Austin, Texas. She is a recent graduate at the University of Arkansas Fay Jones School of Architecture + Design where she received a Bachelor of Architecture and a minor in Urban Planning. We talked to Fien about what she likes about her job and why she is passionate about urban design.

What brought you to Page?

I knew I wanted to work at Page the moment I entered the office in downtown Austin. During my first visit, I was introduced to multiple people who worked in architecture, interior design, engineering and urban planning. They were all very friendly and told me a bit about their work at the firm. It made me realize that working for Page would broaden my knowledge in numerous fields—which it has. Plus, you can’t beat the view.

What is it like to work on the Page design team?

The Page design team is composed of eager architects and designers ready to help me grow in the “real world” of architecture. During the first five months of working at Page, I have learned new 3D modeling and rendering programs, how to meet and present work to clients, how to detail buildings and how to work well with a large group of talented people.

What do you recommend recent graduates look for when considering a firm?

When looking for a firm, keep in mind what you want during your first few years out of school. Personally, I wanted to be able to have access to as much knowledge, resources and connections as I could. Page did this for me. I graduated with a Bachelor in Architecture and a minor in Urban Planning and was hired on as an urban designer. Page has allowed me to explore both of my passions in one place. Another great thing about working at Page is that the firm is providing me with all the tools I need to become a licensed architect.

What do you most enjoy about working in the urban design field?

I have been able to travel the world which has allowed me to see the potential of good and bad urban design and planning. I have become fascinated with not only architecture but with the spaces in between buildings and how the public engages with the built environment. I wanted to be able to have an input on how society interacts with the environment, and urban design is the best way to do this. Page has allowed me to practice these skills and apply them to current conditions.

Tell us about a recent favorite project. 

The first project I was put on with Page was the Master Plan for the Texas Capitol Complex in Austin. I made some drawings, diagrams and renderings for the project and am still amazed at the changes that will be happening in the area. Being new to the city, it was an excellent way to see firsthand how firms like Page have such a large impact on the development of rapidly growing cities.
