Meet Andy Phan

Photographer. Videographer. Graphic designer. Meet Page Director of Visualization Andy Phan. He is the predominant photographer of the great majority of employee and human interest images on the Page website as well as the videos of each domestic office location. To ensure the firm had the images it wanted for the launch of its new website in December of 2013, Andy spent a total of four weeks carefully packing and carrying his extensive set of camera equipment onto various flights, scouting locations, helping his human subjects relax in front of the camera and afterward, editing thousands of images.

When Andy was young, his teachers decided he needed a creative outlet; after all, he’d been doodling all over his English and math worksheets and his desk was a disaster. He ventured into visual art classes, and soon became fascinated with “art with substance” through which others could interact with an artist’s work. This led to architecture school, where Andy found his niche applying 3-D graphics to renderings and animations of buildings. Now at Page, Andy contributes his talents to projects as a Senior Associate and Director of Visualization.

Andy’s personal favorite quote is “Render big, or go home; anything worth doing is worth overdoing!”, and he approaches all of his projects with that spirited enthusiasm. Thus far, one of his favorites is the University of Houston Cougar Football Stadium. An alumnus, Andy greatly enjoyed revisiting his old stomping grounds while documenting the site during the interview process.

He explains that the pleasure came from imagining how he would want the stadium to look and feel and how he might visually convey that dramatic story to the athletic board of directors; winning the project was merely “icing on the cake.”

The architectural design and visual rendering process obviously requires an exceptionally creative mind like Andy’s; however he adds that commitment and collaboration impact his work as well. “You have to show a lot of commitment to [the creative process],” he explains, “but [you must also] be humble enough to collaborate.”

Page has obviously enjoyed the unanticipated benefits of Andy’s creativity and skill in photography and videography. In addition, Andy’s other interests include design, furniture, cinematography, and sketching. He and his family volunteer at their local martial arts Vovinam Hoa Lu Center. “This organization is like a large family unit,” he says, adding that the people there make excellent role models for his two children.
