Marcus Martinez On Coming Back To Page

Page Designer and Senior Associate Marcus Martinez is an educator, architectural designer, industrial designer, artist, video editor and graphic illustrator. He is also one of the creative minds behind the idea to transform a soon-to-be-closed highway overpass in Houston into an elevated park. Pierce Skypark proposal has gained momentum with stakeholders. We asked Marcus what he enjoys about working at Page.

Why did you choose to work at Page?

I’ve chosen to come to work at Page twice. I left Page for graduate school at MIT and I returned following my studies because the Houston office and the client base offered the complexity and support to put my education to work.

What is it like to work on the Page team?

While Page is a design firm with a global presence, the design culture and entrepreneurial nature make it feel like a small office. I’ve been positioned to carry out the firm’s mission with clients since beginning my career here. Page has been central to accelerating my growth as a professional because I’ve had the privilege to both enjoy my own successes and have support through my mistakes.

What do you recommend recent graduates look for when considering a firm?

It was important to me that I practiced in an ambitious and challenging city like Houston. In many of our offices, Page has been at the forefront of building local communities. We support critical discussions through our involvement on local, regional and national committees and boards as well as through participation in panel discussions, symposia and conventions. With pro-bono concepts like Pierce Skypark, Page is a sounding board for how communities would like to see their cities evolve. 

What do you most enjoy about working in the architecture/design profession/industry?

I am immersed in the profession and its next generations as a graduate architectural design instructor. I find that in both professional and academic contexts, the challenge is rarely solving the problem—it is asking the right questions and often reframing the problem completely.

Briefly describe a recent favorite project.

Our work on the new headquarters for Avenue is easily a recent and instant favorite. Avenue is a Houston-based non-profit organization dedicated to building affordable housing and strengthening communities. It is a privilege to work hard for such a pivotal organization.

