Lewis May Addresses LSU Graduates

When Page Associate Principal, Lewis May, FASLA, was asked to deliver the commencement address to the 2016 graduates of his alma mater, Louisiana State University College of Art and Design, he didn’t hesitate to accept. He knew immediately what message he wanted to share.

“Our college teaches students how to take an abstract idea and give it meaningful form”, he said during his speech. “In doing so, we have the distinct capability and responsibility to make this world a better place. What you do each day can improve the future of the next generation.”

Lewis stressed the need for each of the graduates to give back to their communities, from local to global, from mentoring colleagues to focusing on poverty and public health.

His speech was informed by his experience – and his passions. As a planner of cities and campuses around the world, an educator and a former member of the Baker Institute’s Board of Texas Center for Society and Health at Rice University, he has focused his career on cultural and environmental issues which affect communities. He has also mentored students at several universities, particularly at LSU, where a year ago he led a weeklong design workshop during Design Week.

In acknowledgement of his contributions to his profession, LSU College of Art and Design selected Lewis as the recipient of their 2016 Distinguished Alumni Award, which was presented to him prior to the commencement ceremony.

Congratulations, Lewis!
