Learning Through Piñata Designs

¿Qué esta pasando? What’s going on?

Some casual passersby may have wondered at the crowds and music on the Navigation Boulevard Esplanade on a recent Saturday. Hundreds of people surrounded and photographed life-size piñata-inspired sculptures while others sampled local delicacies and danced to bands. The East End Foundation annual piñata festival is unlike any other in its ambiance, just as its host neighborhood is unlike any other in Houston.

The festival is held to provide a glimpse into the only designated cultural district in the eastern half of the fourth-largest city in the US. The public art and cultural assets in Houston’s historic East End define where its residents came from and influence who Houstonians are today. The Foundation protects, shares and encourages the creation of the arts that continue this significant cultural force in Houston. 

While piñatas are only one element of the East End's heritage, they're a recognized symbol associated with childhood joy. Artists have elevated them to collectible form and compete for the privilege of having their work featured at the annual festival. If you missed Piñatafest 2018, not to worry - the amazing sculptures can be viewed between May 5 and June 6 at the George R. Brown Convention Center in Avenida Houston (Second Level, Hall A).  

Page Senior Principal Art Chavez currently serves again as Chairman after an initial two-year term when it was first founded several years ago. Page donated supplies and volunteer hours in support of this year's Festival. He attended with his family and said, "This event is representative of the characteristics dear to the East End. We especially want our children to feel pride in their history and culture by sharing with residents and visitors alike the notable points of interest and activity here." 

To watch another video developed by video production artist Gabriel Lopez, who is a friend and supporter of the Piñata Festival, click here

To learn more about the East End Foundation and the cultural district, click here

Be sure to mark your calendar for Piñatafest 2019! 
