Landing Zone: Co-working Space for Veterans

The Landing Zone (LZ NOLA) is a co-working environment and small business incubator. It’s the only collaborative workspace in New Orleans that caters to veterans. The incubator welcomes both veterans and civilians, creating a unique and collaborative culture of entrepreneurs.

The 20,000-square-foot historic warehouse features informal communal spaces, conference rooms, a full size commercial kitchen and a 3,500-square-foot gym. LZ NOLA is a central business hub and a gathering place for social interaction. It provides a network of mentors and several business services, such as legal support and digital media training.

The incubator space is also in alliance with the non-profit VetLaunch and its accelerator program. The nine-week program is for selected New Orleans military veterans and focuses on creating scalable and fundable businesses.

Camaraderie and community building are important aspects of the incubator space. It functions as both a support system for local individual talent and entrepreneurs as well as a platform for other local businesses. LZ NOLA recently hosted a Dinner Lab event, a nomadic dining experience held in unique spaces to test new recipes from rotating chefs and offer feedback.

Landing Zone and VetLaunch founder Robert Armbuster chose to build the co-working space in New Orleans’ Lower Garden District, a leading U.S. city for start-up companies and entrepreneurial activity. He wanted to create a complex for the city’s talented and skilled people looking for both opportunity and business resources. He contacted Page Architect JJ Puga, fellow veteran and classmate, to form a design team to turn his idea into a reality.

LZ NOLA opened in January 2015. We are honored to have assisted Veterans through our work, such as LZ NOLA and several U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs healthcare projects across the country.
