LEED Certification

If you search pagethink.com for LEED projects, you'll get numerous returns among the site's representative projects. Page strives to be energy efficient and sustainable when it comes to designing our buildings, and the best verification of that is our numerous LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) awards, including ones at the Platinum level--the highest LEED certification.

In order to achieve LEED certification, designers must create buildings that meet the established standards of energy sustainability and environmental friendliness, both in their interior environments and in their effect on the surrounding landscape. Page aims to continue to create greener buildings and push themselves to help the environment one step at a time.

Our Dallas office was reframing and rehanging their LEED certifications and we couldn't resist this arty snap during the process (pictured above). Some of the projects reflected in this image include:

  • Confidential Research and Development Center - Platinum
  • National Office Furniture Showroom - Gold
  • The University at Arlington Engineering Research Building - Gold
  • Baylor Medical Center Uptown - Silver
  • Page Dallas Office - Silver
  • Citi North Texas Service Building - Certified

Contributed By

Catherine Choberka-Khirallah
