Keely Barrett Chats About Page Fire Protection

Last year after graduating from the University of Maryland with a Bachelor of Science in Fire Protection Engineering, Keely Barrett joined the Page MEP team. She took time out to talk to us about what she likes about the team and why she feels like her career is off to a great start.

Why did you choose to work at Page?

Coming into the workforce for the first time, I wanted to find a position where I would be able to work on a wide range of projects from different angles. I didn’t want to feel boxed in by my work. Page’s work is so varied, it allows me to tackle a different set of obstacles on each of my projects. It’s important to me to know I’m consistently facing new challenges, so that my knowledge base and skill set are improving with each experience.

What is it like to work on the Page MEP team?

Being a part of the Page MEP team is exciting. I enjoy fast-paced work, so being a part of such an efficient team is really rewarding. There’s a lot of diversity in skills and experience across the team, and we strive to be resources for each other. I can approach anyone on the team for assistance on a problem, and we collaborate to find the best solution possible. It’s fulfilling to be able to provide that type of input to others when I am asked questions. Working so closely together across disciplines has become second nature. The integration produces a lot of work we are very proud of having completed.   

What do you recommend recent graduates look for when considering a firm?

It’s important not to overlook company culture. A large part of producing a quality engineering design is working together with other disciplines and teams. Being able to comfortably work with and learn from the people around you is essential to building a successful career. I enjoy going in to work each day, and I look forward to each new project—this work environment has been invaluable to me.

What do you most enjoy about working in the engineering profession/industry?

The engineering industry is anything but dull. There are always new challenges and new puzzles to solve. Each project requires a different focus and has a unique set of goals. I appreciate that my work varies so much. I have the opportunity to always be a part of something different throughout my career, and it feels like I’m always moving forward.

Briefly describe a recent favorite project.

One of my favorite projects recently was the Fountain Place in downtown Dallas. The residential tower will sit next to one of the most iconic buildings in the Dallas skyline. It’s amazing to know that I’m part of the team that created and developed the building from the ground up. It was also the first new project I began as a graduate engineer, so it was the first project I was able to see through every stage of development. There’s a lot of pride in seeing something you’ve worked on abstractly begin to take shape and break ground in the real world.  
