Introducing A New Way Of Working

Designing and constructing or renovating any type of building requires significant communication between the owner, all members of the design team and the complete construction team. When projects don’t run as well as originally hoped, the root cause can often be traced to inadequate communication and collaboration between the project participants. But how can people learn and practice these fundamental skills? Page Principal Kurt Neubek, FAIA, is introducing a new way of working to the firm that can have an immediate impact – and doesn’t cost anything.

He hosted the first-ever Ripple Intent meeting to take place east of the Rocky Mountains at the Page Houston office August of 2018. This networking group goes beyond facilitating traditional connections between members of the industry by holding behavior-changing events based on the premise that capital project outcomes can be improved through collaboration.

Ripple Intent events are structured to help owners, designers and builders find fulfillment and purpose through engagement with each other. Greater personal engagement results in improved communication and sharing of learnings. The organization was founded in 2012 by full-time project managers for a healthcare system based in major western US cities as part of a personal quest for improved work processes.

Kurt frequently presents on improved ways of working around the US and was recommended to one of the Ripple Intent founders as a potential symposium speaker. He was interested enough to attend some of the events to learn more and explains that the organizers are “comprised of people who know that collaborative projects are more successful. They are passionate about creating a venue for owners, designers and builders to learn and practice collaboration skills.”

To learn more about Ripple Intent, click here.
