Hungry Hungry...Humans??

Nothing gets creative juices flowing more than recreating a human version of an all-time favorite children's game-- Hungry Hungry Hippos!

Page employees decided to have some summer fun during lunch last Friday that turned out to be as large as the size of our projects. Using some rope, balloons, and laundry baskets, they were able to enact the classic table-top game that has been played for decades, all while building camaraderie and having a bit of fun!

Apparently quite a few people wished they could have joined the action because we posted the video on our Facebook account on a Friday afternoon and several thousand people watched it over the weekend! If you missed it, you can see it for yourself here. 

The office split up into four teams (yellow, pink, blue and purple) and got the competition going. One at a time, an employee would lie down on the buggy and another would hold the rope while the remaining two team members pushed the brave "hippo" into a sea of balloons that he/she would attempt to collect ("eat!") with the laundry basket. Watch the video below to see how the competition turned out!

Contributed By

Kelsey Flynn
