How to Creatively Repurpose: Gargoyle Edition

The historic Rice Hotel – now known as The Rice – was recently renovated to modernize its luxury residential units. During the process, Page included a twist on an unusual design feature that's sure to attract attention once again.

In the late 1990s, Page was tapped to repurpose the historic but long vacant 1913 landmark Rice Hotel into residential lofts. At that time, the firm adorned the doorway of each residential unit with a gargoyle bearing the number of the unit. However, in the recent renovation design, the tiny statues were not a part of the new concept.

Residents and visitors have come to associate these tiny statues with The Rice as one of the favored quirky features of this historic landmark. When word got out about the renovation, even past residents who no longer resided at The Rice called to ask if they could claim their own gargoyle. Recognizing the importance of these objects to the Rice resident community, the team at Page creatively repurposed the beloved gargoyles by turning them into an artful display.

Over 300 gargoyle statues throughout The Rice were collected during the course of the renovation. The unique objects now line a large wall, each smiling gargoyle overlooking a residential common area – the dining room area of the resident clubhouse on the mezzanine level.

These gargoyles are clearly a beloved part of The Rice community, and we're proud that our Page team found a creative solution to make them part of the next chapter of this iconic building's history.

Contributed By

David C. Euscher
